E-Blah Support

Knowledge Base
I heard that E-Blah has a news feature. How do I use it?
To use the news feature, you need to use either PHP or SSI (there may be other ways), however, only this one will be discussed here.

The URL you will need to put into your pages would look something like this: http://www.example.com/cgi-bin/Blah.pl?v-shownews

To use this code in SSI (Server Side Includes) pages, use the following code:
<!--#include virtual="/eblah/Blah.pl?v-shownews"--> (use relative path for your server)

To use this code in PHP, use this code:

Note: in new versions, you can use /blahdocs/template/Shownews.html or Shownews.xml
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