E-Blah is open source community building forum software built with security, stability, and speed in mind.
E-Blah is a Perl-based forum system requiring very low system requirements making it a fast and flexible forum system. E-Blah is a forum constantly evolving, with new releases several times throughout the year.
Whether the audience is large, small, or in-between the E-Blah Forum Software is here to help it grow. Also, with our virtually twenty four-seven technical support team, whom are ready to answer any question you may have about the system, you cannot go wrong.
As some of the people on the forum know, there's not been any development on E-Blah since 2008. There's several reasons for this which were posted last year in the chit-chat forum thread, Script Future. I am happy to see there are still people interested in the forum system and so I've added the forum to GitHub.
My hope is that this will help allow more people to submit updates to the system and keep the forum up to date. I will still be the maintainer all code changes will be reviewed before they are merged into master. The latest code will now reside on GitHub.
E-Blah Forum System on GitHub
Feel free to post comments, suggestions, or issues here or there. Also, please feel free to submit code fixes (basically: fork, make your changes, submit a pull request).
EBlah.com has moved to a new server. Nothing should have been lost during the move, but if you see anything out of the ordinary please let me know. If you're seeing this message, you're on the new server.
E-Blah 10.3.6 was released today. There were several fixes in this version along with new or updated features.
The following is a quick listing of the new features in E-Blah 10.3.6:
- Administrators can now resend the e-mail verify e-mail
- Google charts are now used for the stats
- <meta name="keywords" content="<blah v="$threadtags">" /> can be added for thread tags
- Autotagging has been added
- Page links are now done correctly for the PM boxes
- Fixed some XHTML issues
As always, you should upgrade to the latest version both for forum stability and for better community support.
Download Now
E-Blah SQL Beta 4 has been released.
If you are currently using Beta 4, it is strongly recommended that you upgrade as soon as you possibly can.
The follows bugs were patched in E-Blah SQL Beta 4:
- Fixed the link bug
- Poll fix
- Status bug fix
- Install database fix
- Fixed post count bug
- Fixed bug with guest posting
- Banning should be (fully?) functional now
- Thread merging bug should be fixed
Download Now
Please remember that this is a BETA and things are bound to be broken, though it should be stable. If you find bugs, please post them on the forum.
E-Blah 10.3.5 has been released today. This release focuses on several bug fixes that were introduced in 10.3.3, improves overall stability, introduces some new images, and finally introduces a thread tagging system.
As is every update, this is a recommended update.
Download E-Blah 10.3.5 Now